Sunday, July 18, 2010


Clothes packed. Maps downloaded. Snacks purchased. Ice chest loaded with water. Lodging arranged. Car repaired.

It's time for a road trip. A road trip to Kansas City for the National Worship Leader Conference. However, for me it is much more than just a road trip to attend some amazing classes and listen to awesome speakers and spend time surrendered in worship. For me, this is about a journey into my future.

Playing keys in church since I was a young child, I sense the winds of change. I cannot quite figure out where God is taking me musically, but the journey seems to be starting here, now, in this moment. When I first heard about the conference, I never dreamed I might actually attend. For a church planter's family, the money for the conference was an astronomical amount. It is almost as much as we spend on groceries for an entire month.

My husband, Shawn, was at first strongly opposed to me attending. He would just be getting back from a 9 day trip to Mexico, and we would then be apart for another week, and then there was the money factor. I had not expected to get to go, saw the logic of his wise reasoning, and so I was surprised by my strong reaction. I was devastated. The more I prayed, the more I realized that God wanted me at this conference. He has an appointment with me there, one that is critical. I am absolutely certain of this. As we continued to pray for the next several weeks about going, Shawn somehow found the funds to allow me to be obedient to God's voice.

I don't know what to expect. I can't guess the end of this journey. But I am certain that this will be a monumental week. A week that changes me, that makes me more like Christ. I can't wait.

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